Tag Archives: Rival Sons

The early bird catches the worm

Rival Sons rockin’ London

(Para ler este post em Português: O pássaro madrugador é o que come a minhoca)

April 09th, 2013. Wow, for me this was not just ‘one more rock’n’roll night’ – this was the night I went to see Rival Sons playing live!! For those who have never heard about them, Rival Sons is a band from Long Beach, California, and although they count with less than 5 years of existence they have already attracted a lot of attention from critics and audiences, and they have even been quoted as ‘the new Led Zeppelin’. In order to verify if there was some exaggeration in this statement I decided to check out the band personally… What a tough life…!! 😛 Continue reading The early bird catches the worm

Slow and steady wins the race


Last Call to Worldwide Trip!!

(Para ler este post em Português: Devagar se vai ao longe)

Now that my travel day is coming closer suddenly I find myself immersed in my ‘last-call-to-worldwide-trip’ to-do list: Continue reading Slow and steady wins the race

Now that I’m on my knees I must pray

A 40.000 Miles Journey

(Para ler este post em Português: Ajoelhei vou ter que rezar)

And finally everything I was longing for happened this week (I said ‘this week’ but I’m actually referring to Jan 12th that is when this blog was originally posted in my native language Portuguese). Ok. One thing is to dream and to make plans for the things you’d like to happen, and another different one is when your dreams begin to materialize.

My original plan for the holidays season was to lock myself alone at home and focus on doing researches for my trip. But it all went wrong!!! Continue reading Now that I’m on my knees I must pray