The sleeping shrimp is washed away by the wave

Lost in the Night with Jack The Ripper

(Para ler este post em Português: Camarão que dorme a onda leva)

Yes UFO will be playing in London tonight and guess who was invited to attend to their gig?????

Me, Myself and I!!!!

I got a cab to the venue (Differently from what I thought it would be it’s very very difficult to find a cab in the streets of London. This is not New York. 😛 You need to call them and then they’ll come to you. But it happens that I don’t have a phone……)

UFO VIP passAnyway… I got a cab and successfully got to the venue. My name indeed was on the VIP guests list!! Unbelievable! Please do NOT wake me up cause I’m sure I’m just dreaming…

As usual I bought myself a double scotch and went to the front of the stage. I don’t wanna miss a thing…

The gig was awesome but unfortunately for me I wasn’t able to move much. Something happened with my backbone/ neck (probably because of the stream of cold air I took when I was walking naked around my neighborhood earlier this day) and I had this terrible pain that kept me from moving my head up. 

After the gig I met with the band again backstage. And I couldn’t believe when Phil Mogg walked to me saying ‘Hey Claudia look, I have your signed album covers here with me. Apparently I took them by mistake on the other night. They were in my pocket all the time!
And this way my faith in the British people was restored.

Album covers retrieved!!
Album covers retrieved – faith in humanity restored! And UFO rocks!!!

It was only when the guys left the dressing room to the tour bus towards France that I realized I needed to get back home. It was late in the night (not sure but I think it was passed midnight) and I knew I wouldn’t find a cab. I had no idea how to get back.

I must have been guided by some traveler’s guardian angel because I found a tube station 2 or 3 minutes before the time the last train would pass there. First time traveling London’s underground, a man on the inside quickly gave me some directions. He tried to help me buy an Oyster card but he decided I wouldn’t had enough time for it, so I entered the train without paying. That was my 3rd offense of the day! I took the Northern train in Hampstead towards Morden, changed train at Moorgate, took then Hammersmith last train towards East Ham (to do all these steps I had to ask for directions two times more!) and I got off at Whitechapel. Which of course was the wrong station… Ha.

Who wouldn’t love to have the opportunity to walk one long mile in the desert streets of east London – which by the way is Jack The Ripper’s neighborhood – in a freezing night??? I found it was lovely.

I finally got home at 2am.

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